The Independent, the story of an ill-fated political candidate’s election campaign, is an entertaining feature-length political satire. The project identifies with the “mockumentary” label however intends to subvert the usual, often derisive, comedic tropes associated with the genre as seen in film such as Spinal Tap, Best in Show, Razzle Dazzle and The Office in its search for democratic truth. The film questions, through manipulation generic expectations, to what extent the media is responsible for our countries political landscape and shifts the way audiences perceive the individual’s ability to have a real voice in our democracy.
The film conflates the factual and fictional elements to a greater degree than is usual for the form by filming during an actual election campaign, using real media outlets as locations, using familiar political and media voices as characters as making use of the actual constituents of the Victorian seat of Richmond, Australia. Furthermore, the film implants the documentary team into the unfolding story allowing the audience to question their impact in the events that unfold.
The Independent was released in more than 30 cinemas throughout Australia, reviewed in most major metropolitan media outlets as well as being purchased for public broadcast in New York, USA.
The Independent,2008